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Times have changed, but our prices have not and our quality and reputation are among the best.

Specify high torque feature if you so desire. Drive-in service available. We will R & R. Other truck injection systems and turbos available.
PES6P120A720RS6016-1 (9 400 231 201) #313GC5190P10 (E6-300 4VH)
PES6P120A72ORS7201 (0 402 796 802) #313GC5191P1 (EM60300L Electronic V-Mac)
PES6P12OA72ORS7178 (0 402 796 800) #313GC5183P6 (EM60300L V-Mac)(E7-400)
APE6G110A6924A1 #313GC5135P18 (E6-350)
PES6P120A720RS6016 (9 400 231 201) #313GC5150P10 (E6-300)
PES6P110A720RS3036 (0 402 036 703) #313GC5121P2 (ETAZ673A 300+
PES6P110A720/3RS3064 (0 402 036 725) #313GC5129-P24 (ETZ-675 4VH)
PES6P110A720RS6005-1 (9 400 231 187) #313GC5148P32 (EM6-285 2VH)
PES6P120A720RS7157 (0 402 746 852) #313GC5185P6 (E7-400 4VH)
PES6P120A720RS7157 (0 402 746 866) #313GC5185P10 (EM7-300 4VH)
APE6BB110T6820C1 #313GC5110B-PG (ETAZ-675)
APE6BB90Q5676B21 #313GC4118E-P1 (ENDT-673)
APE6BB110T7506A1 #313GC5152PG (EM6-300R)
Model 300-PLM450387A #313GC5146P12X (EM6-300L)

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